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Activities in Gorinchem

During your stay in our hotel in Gorinchem there are numerous activities that are worthwhile visiting. The centre, for example, offers the opportunity to enjoy a delicious meal in various restaurants or to relax on one of the various terraces. In the immediate vicinity you can visit the historic Loevestein castle and of course a visit to De Biesbosch nature reserve should not be missed.

Tips on fun activities in Gorinchem

The coming weeks we will share some tips about activities in Gorinchem via our website. On our location page you will find more information about our location and a number of places of interest such as De Biesbosch and Slot Loevestein. In this first article we would like to point out the cultural route.

The cultural route in Gorinchem

The cultural route is a walking route along more than 20 special shops, studios, antique shops and the Gorcums Museum. An ideal way to discover nice shops in Gorinchem, come into contact with local artists and get inspired. The cultural route takes place every second Sunday of the month between 13:30 and 17:00. More information about the cultural route can be found in the folder that is available at the tourist office in Gorinchem. This folder includes a map so that you can follow the route independently.

More information

More information about the cultural route and cultural sights in Gorinchem can be found on the website of cultural route Gorinchem. During your stay in our hotel in Gorinchem, we will gladly advise you on more possible activities.

Do you have any questions or requests? We look forward to hearing from you.

Cultural route in Gorinchem
Cultural route Gorinchem